Warning ahead of time: this post is very much a hodge podge of events. Sorry.
My giveaways ended last night and winners have been chosen!
You should have received an email from me. Please let me know if you didn't get it!
Have you been getting pampered? Our PTO did a potato bar on Tuesday, and today was dessert day. My goodness, they outdid themselves! There were SO many goodies that I had to really plan it out so I didn't get too many. Every single bit was delicious, and I'm glad it was only today because I would be in big trouble if we had this all the time. Good thing I'm going to Body Pump tonight!

I've seen C.Jayne Teach around the blogging world, but can I just tell you that this picture alone makes me want to go buy everything? I'm obsessed with the fun, bright colors! Collaboration Cuties is hosting a giveaway right now that I seriously am only telling you about so I can get an extra few entries. Otherwise I'd pray you missed it and I won. I know, selfish. But it's SOOO cute!!

Finally, the TPT website couldn't handle all the traffic it received yesterday, so they extended the sale ONE MORE DAY! If you had trouble (or just forgot or want to buy more), enjoy some more shopping!

Hi Melissa, I am so excited to have won! I wanted to let you know that I've gotten emails from four of the girls who donated in the pack I won (and am loving them!), but I can't find one from you. Just wanted to let you know.