Welcome to Virginia!
A lovely group of Virginia bloggers would like to show our appreciation of you by extending a bit of southern hospitality. You can follow along the blog hop to visit a few Virginia teacher blogs for terrific teaching tips and fun freebies to help get through the last couple of weeks before summer break. I'm #7 on the hop, so make sure to check the link at the bottom to catch up on the blogs you might have missed!I like to use my themed centers for some extra fun reading review (plus it's great practice for our tests, especially with Virginia's "Technology Enhanced Items"). Each pack includes 8-9 centers with a mix of comprehension and word knowledge specifically geared toward the upper grades reader. All of the centers also have some kind of graphic organizer for students to show their understanding. You can find quite a few in my store (Duck Dynasty, Camping, Summer, etc), but I decided to share the Summer Context Clues center with you for free exclusively on my blog. Enjoy!
Then make sure to head over to Courtney's for the next stop!

Thank you Melissa! This will be great for some of my struggling readers.
Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans
This looks great Melissa! Thanks for joining the hop!
Shifting Teacher K-2
Love the context clues freebie! It's exactly what I need for reviewing as we prep for the reading SOL on the 27th! Thank you!
Mrs O Knows
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Exactly what we need for SOL prep right now.
Love these! Will definitely be using these next year since our SOL testing is over! Thanks!!
Reading Toward the Stars
These will be great as a quick review before we take our SOL test next week. Thanks!!
Polka Dot Lesson Plans