It's August! Eek! I'm still not quite ready to get back into the routine of school, although I'm slowly making some adjustments to be a little more prepared in 2 weeks...
I skipped out on this linky last week because I spent the entire week working on an SOL (VA state tests) Committee for 5th Grade Reading. I know that probably sounds pretty boring, but I actually love it! We spend the week looking at test items and deciding if they are fair or if changes should be made to them. Plus they host it at this really nice hotel
Another reason I didn't post last Friday is because my little brother and his girlfriend came to visit! Wade is finishing his last year at Georgia Tech, and this was my first time to meet Devan. She was so sweet, and Keagan is in love with her, I think! We had a lot of fun exploring Richmond with them and just hanging out.

Of course I was terrible and didn't take a single picture, so I'm stealing one my dad took since he's visiting the rest of our family right now. This is Wade and Devan with my sister, Lauren, and my adorable little niece!
This week, we've been interviewing babysitters. Can I just say I HATE that process? I'll be so excited to send him to preschool so we don't have to do this anymore. Good news is that we found one we really like, so hopefully it will work for the rest of this year. He turns 3 in December, so he can go to preschool after that!
Tuesday was National Night Out, which focuses on getting to know your neighbors and being safe. Target sponsors the event, and they had all of the Emergency Response teams (Police, Fire, Ambulance) in the parking lot for families to enjoy. Keagan loved the fire truck, but his favorite part was watching the LifEvac helicopter land! He got to sit in it, too, but I think that made him a little nervous...

Today we made a tent just because, and then Keagan and I had lunch under the tent. He had a blast! I'm going to be sad to leave him with the sitter in a few weeks. We've had a lot of fun this summer, but there's still so much that we didn't get a chance to do!

To those of you who have started school already or are almost there, I hope it is going well for you! We go back August 21, and then students begin September 2. I've got a lot of work to do before then!

What a fun week! My brother works as an IT guy at Georgia Tech! Every time I turn around, we have more in common!! I definitely need to look into those SOL committees next year. Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Reading Toward the Stars
I'm echoing Andrea - what a fun week! I love the lunch under the tent! Have a great weekend!
Learning is for Superstars
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