October was a crazy-busy month, and I was a terrible blogger. I think I posted a grand total of 3 times the entire month, and two of them were at the very beginning. November should be calmer, and I hope I'm not as absent. I do promise I've been keeping up with blogs, though!
Fortunately, Farley's blog is a great way to turn a new leaf and start the new month. Can you believe it's already November? I'll be honest, I'm SUPER excited! I love the Thanksgiving/Christmas season with all of the food, family time, and BREAKS actually built into the schedule for the first time since school started.
Listening: Since today is Election Day, we always have parent/teacher conferences. The best part is that conferences are from 12-7, so I get to sleep in! Of course, that really didn't happen for me today because the husband was getting up early for work. Still, I have been to the gym, cleaned, and am now relaxing a little before going to vote and head in to work. I was a little bummed, though, because I forgot Kelly and Michael don't come on until 10, right before I need to head out to vote. Oh well, Today Show will do...
Loving: Tuesdays are usually my day to get cleaning done (we have small group on Monday nights and kind of leave the house a little in a wreck), so it's been nice to get some of it done this morning while I have the house all to myself. I've already vacuumed and cleaned the kitchen. Now I'm working on laundry and may even clean the bathrooms a little before I go. Yay for a clean house!
Thinking: My hair has been in a towel for almost an hour now. It's probably time to go dry it...
Wanting: Cleaning hasn't been bad at all, but it would be nice if it would just take care of itself. Especially putting the laundry away.
Needing: Teachers at my school don't get a break until Thanksgiving, and I'm a little exhausted! Today helps because there are no kids, and I don't have too many conferences. Still, it would be really nice to have even a one day break somewhere in October to break things up. I heard the "s" word in the weather forecast, and I wouldn't be disappointed if it happened. As long as it's on a school day.
Reading: I guess my book is appropriate to go along with the rest of my currently. It's honestly been a good start to the year, just busy. The girls in my small group have been reading through this book, and I would HIGHLY recommend it!
It's all about how God frees us from all of these to-do lists and expectations. He just wants us to have faith in Him and trust in His word. You should check it out!
Okay, I think it's time for me to go finish getting ready now. Are you off? Do you have kids at school today? Or is it a work day for you? I'm curious how the rest of the country does Election Day.

Thanks for the book recommendation! I totally need something like that . . . now to find the time to read it! Hope November is better for you than October!
ReplyDeleteWhat I Have Learned
It sounds like all teachers are in need of a good break. My next break isn't until Christmas but I hope you manage to get the day off that you deserve. Cheers.
ReplyDeleteThe book sounds like a great suggestion!
ReplyDeleteSchools are closed today for election day in my county. Yesterday was a teacher work day to work on report cards. I did not get to them at school, so I was working from the comfort of my couch on report cards today. Day off, but still working. Isn't that what usually happens? Hope your conferences go well!
Techie Turtle Teacher
We don't get a break until Thanksgiving, either. I am super jealous of everyone with their fall breaks! I suppose it evens out, though, because we get 2 spring breaks. :)
Caffeine and Lesson Plans
We had conference day today, and I totally enjoyed getting up a couple of hours later! It felt good to sleep in and still be somewhat productive, but now I am exhausted.
ReplyDeleteI think we are all ready for Thanksgiving break. It can't come soon enough!
We haven't heard anything of snow in the western part of the state. I am not ready for it yet, but a day off is always welcome!
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Reading Toward the Stars