It's day 3 of
Blog Hoppin's Week of Giving Thanks, and today is the letter A.
When I first moved to Richmond almost 9 years ago, it wasn't so amazing for me. Moving hours away from all of my family and friends was difficult because I had so many strong relationships. Steven's family is awesome and immediately made me feel like I was a part of them (to the point that we joke who they like more), but friendships were tough. I wasn't surrounded by many people my age that I felt like I could share common interests with. Honestly, it took me about 5 or 6 years just to start feeling like I fit in.
Now that we've started going to Remnant (our church) and gotten plugged into a community group there, I can truly say that they are awesome people. I could call them up to hang out whenever, and we genuinely enjoy getting together to talk, eat, or just do whatever. Monday night was our Thanksgiving dinner, which I almost missed because I had Title I night. When I got there late, I was immediately calm and relaxed. I've missed that.
What an awesome thing to give thanks for. Thanks for sharing. I am in a community I love but finding it difficult to break in to a teaching community. It gets lonely focusing on school, my kids, school, my kids... Happy Thanksgiving!