October was a crazy-busy month, and I was a terrible blogger. I think I posted a grand total of 3 times the entire month, and two of them were at the very beginning. November should be calmer, and I hope I'm not as absent. I do promise I've been keeping up with blogs, though!
Fortunately, Farley's blog is a great way to turn a new leaf and start the new month. Can you believe it's already November? I'll be honest, I'm SUPER excited! I love the Thanksgiving/Christmas season with all of the food, family time, and BREAKS actually built into the schedule for the first time since school started.
Listening: Since today is Election Day, we always have parent/teacher conferences. The best part is that conferences are from 12-7, so I get to sleep in! Of course, that really didn't happen for me today because the husband was getting up early for work. Still, I have been to the gym, cleaned, and am now relaxing a little before going to vote and head in to work. I was a little bummed, though, because I forgot Kelly and Michael don't come on until 10, right before I need to head out to vote. Oh well, Today Show will do...
Loving: Tuesdays are usually my day to get cleaning done (we have small group on Monday nights and kind of leave the house a little in a wreck), so it's been nice to get some of it done this morning while I have the house all to myself. I've already vacuumed and cleaned the kitchen. Now I'm working on laundry and may even clean the bathrooms a little before I go. Yay for a clean house!
Thinking: My hair has been in a towel for almost an hour now. It's probably time to go dry it...
Wanting: Cleaning hasn't been bad at all, but it would be nice if it would just take care of itself. Especially putting the laundry away.
Needing: Teachers at my school don't get a break until Thanksgiving, and I'm a little exhausted! Today helps because there are no kids, and I don't have too many conferences. Still, it would be really nice to have even a one day break somewhere in October to break things up. I heard the "s" word in the weather forecast, and I wouldn't be disappointed if it happened. As long as it's on a school day.
Reading: I guess my book is appropriate to go along with the rest of my currently. It's honestly been a good start to the year, just busy. The girls in my small group have been reading through this book, and I would HIGHLY recommend it!
It's all about how God frees us from all of these to-do lists and expectations. He just wants us to have faith in Him and trust in His word. You should check it out!
Okay, I think it's time for me to go finish getting ready now. Are you off? Do you have kids at school today? Or is it a work day for you? I'm curious how the rest of the country does Election Day.