Just a quick funny before Facebook that you can probably relate to, especially this week:

Right? I died laughing!

This week started out a little rough. I woke up Sunday morning throwing up, which caused my husband to jump out of bed quicker than I've ever seen him move! He grabbed all of his things, sprayed everything he could with Lysol, and banned me to our room until I was over whatever I had. Fortunately we have Amazon Prime, so I was able to watch a few things on our Kindle while in the room. I finally saw the first episode of Downton Abbey, and now I want to watch all the rest. If only another break was coming up soon so I would have time...

While I was out sick Monday, the temps did this:

...and we closed for a "cold" day. I guess when your buses and buildings are really old and not built to handle those kinds of temps, that's what happens. Anyway, it worked out perfectly for me because my husband and I were able to clean the house and get all of the "sick" out while Keagan went on to the sitter.

I think these are more appropriate for third grade, but my students right now are not quite ready for a lot of them. We have a LONG way to go with that group...

While I wasn't in school, I've been excited to follow the launch of our new collaborative blog!
Every day this week, four ladies from our group have shared resources and ideas for different sections of literacy. Today is the last day, and it's all about writing and grammar. It's also MY day of sharing, and I have a great activity for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
If you fill out the rafflecopter, you not only get a prize pack of some amazing resources we donated just for following, but you also get a chance to win one of FOUR $25 TPT gift certificates! What teacher doesn't want that? Don't miss out!

I also finished my newest mystery! My students were so excited to have a new one to solve after doing my Cookie Thief mystery before the break. This one will be free until around 5 EST, so be sure to download it quick!!

Hi! I am a new blogger and I was just stopping by a few of the other blogs linked up for 5 for Friday. I must say that I LOVE your blog design. It is absolutely adorable and the name of your blog is super cute. We were closed every day this week (except today--we went in after two hour delay this morning). It was such a strange week!
The Real World First Grade
Glad to hear that you are feeling better! I definitely can relate about the old school. Our heat stopped working for a bit, but we still had to stay in school! Kids had coats and hats on! I am very excited for how well the collaborative blog is doing too!
Eclectic Educating
Glad your feeling better! That yucky virus stuff is just gross! Have a great weekend!
An Apple a Day in First Grade
The carrot nose bandit sounds adorable and super creative! Loved poppin in!
Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After