
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday Smorgasbord

It's Sunday (well, actually it's Saturday night because I'm scheduling this while the hubs and baby are already asleep), and this linky with Michelle was perfect for what I was already planning on doing!

Keagan and I survived a week without daddy, and it was a lot of fun! We are very glad to have daddy back, though. It's hard keeping an active little toddler busy by yourself for 5 days, especially when it's CRAZY HOT and we can't go outside until late in the day.

I'm super pumped about this Thursday because I'm going to the VA Blogger Get-Together! Thanks to Karen at Mrs. Stamp's Class for putting this together! If you live near DC, you should definitely come join us. Just email Karen so she knows how many to plan for.

We're also planning on doing a freebie blog hop very soon, so keep your eyes out for it. I still need to get on the ball and create my product for it, so what would you like to see? A craftivity? Center for a specific skill? New mystery? Or something related to a good beginning of the year book? Please leave your preference in the comments!

Also, while Steven was away and I was computer-less, I reached 300 followers on Bloglovin! Planning a giveaway to celebrate (and help my numbers catch up over there). If you would be interested in helping out, please fill out the form below. I'm planning on a more traditional giveaway this time (like 1-3 winners) and would LOVE your help!

And finally, here are some current giveaways that you DON'T want to miss!

Phew! Have a great Sunday!


  1. I am so sad that I can't meet y'all :( It would be so much fun!!! Next time.

    Congrats on your milestone :)

    Fluent in Fourth

  2. So many great giveaways! I just signed up to donate for yours!

    Eclectic Educating

  3. I used to love to play with and under the hose. It's one of the best ways to survive the summer heat!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  4. I am so sad I can't come on Thursday! I hate doctor's appointments in the summer! This was one I have already rescheduled. And all of my babysitting people are out of town for this week! Have fun! Hopefully it will be cooler this week, so enjoy it!
    Reading Toward the Stars

  5. Me too :( Babysitter is on vacation. And I should probably pack for my new school and position!!

    Hokie Teach

  6. Your little one is precious! We've spent a lot of time swimming this summer because it is just so darn hot!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans
