
Friday, July 5, 2013

Favorite Pins Friday!

If you've been following this linky, you've already heard from EVERYONE how sad we are that Five for Friday is on hiatus, but the amazing Cara has filled our void with a super-fun linky!

I mean, what teacher (or girl, for that matter) doesn't like Pinterest, right? I'll be honest, since I've only been out of school for 3 weeks and don't go back until the end of August, I haven't gotten into the mood for pinning a lot of teacher-related items recently. However, I did find this amazing gem! Even though I'm not a regular classroom teacher anymore, I always had plenty of kids who needed redirection. I used to print out a simple morning/afternoon schedule to tape on their desk so they could check it off. This is SOO much better and will last a lot longer!

idea for students who struggle to remember classroom routines.

Around the end of the school year, I created a board for hair and nails. My hair is SO thick, and I have a lot of trouble maintaining it over the summer. I love this style, but I haven't tried it yet. Not sure if my hair is quite long enough, though.

French braid into a bun tutorial... this is very pretty!

A cleaning tip - did you know that you can (and should) wash pillows twice a year? I didn't know they could be washed. We always just bought new ones when they started smelling/yellowing. This link also walks you through how to get them white again.

washing pillows - should do TWICE A YEAR! (+ how to make yellow pillows white again...Martha Stewart)

No, I'm not pregnant again (yet), but I thought this was a cute gender reveal. You get someone to put colored confetti into a solid color balloon, and then the mom pops it!

Put colored confetti in a solid color balloon and than have the mom pop it.

And one that's Fourth of July related, of course! How fun would it be to eat an edible firecracker? I'm in!

Edible firecrackers...clever!

Click on the pictures to follow the original source, and if you want to follow me (I have about 10 teaching-related boards alone), click here!


  1. I did not know you should wash your pillows. Interesting. And that braid makes me wish for long hair (for a second!). :O)

    I love the confetti in the balloon! Cute!! :O)
    Collaboration Cuties

  2. I didn't know you could wash pillows either! I am so going to do it SOON! lol
    I haven't been on Pinterest since I got out for summer break. I should though because I LOVE that hairstyle also. I have been itching to cut my hair but I love braiding it during the summer. I'm gonna wait until it is long enough to donate.
    I am following you on Pinterest now and am SO gonna check out your hair and nails board. Oh and the teacher ones too- closer to going back. lol

  3. I love the braid. Going to try it tomorrow! Also, noticed you said you aren't pregnant again. Hang in there. It is easy to get defeated. I have been through one complete round of fertility treatments, that's 4 not pregnant blood tests. Having faith and hope are great things, but they are hard at times. Wishing you luck on your journey!


  4. Have you tried the pillow washing yet? I have a similar pin but I'm afraid to throw my pillows in the washer.

    I was giggling at the edible firecrackers. My husband had never had pop rock before (I know!) and I gave some to him. Ok, I'll be honest and say I tricked him and said "Try this really good candy." The look on his face was priceless!
