
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tried-it Tuesday - Summer Literacy Packets

Today is my first official day of summer break, and I'm SO excited! We had a teacher workday yesterday which was pretty relaxing for me because I always have my room packed up by the last day of school anyway. I'm a bit of a minimalist and have the packing thing down to an arm form. Part of this is because I just cover all my big furniture and put "DO NOT MOVE" signs on them. There's something fulfilling about packing up my classroom (I think it gives me a sense of closure for the year), and I actually have fun doing it!

Since it's Tuesday, I wanted to link up with Holly. I want to link up more frequently, but sometimes I just have trouble thinking of things. This week, I want to talk about putting together Summer Practice Packs. Since I teach Title I Reading, I work with students who need extra support with their reading. Most of my kids are moving up, but they need to keep up the hard work over the summer to prevent too much of a "summer slide". I decided to put together a simple packet (that does not need to be turned in) to help them have fun practicing their reading this summer. Instead of creating everything on my own this year, I browsed TPT for some activities that were already created.

Blair Turner put together these cute little task cards (which include some math, science, and social studies).

I like these because they were quick things to do to make reading more fun. An example: one card will say something like, "Read a poem in a British accent." or "Put on your pajamas in the middle of the day and read." or "Collect a name of a country for each letter of the alphabet." Simple. Fun. Educational!

If I had had more time with the kids before I sent these home, I would have had the kids color each beach ball and cut them out. As it was, I sent them home (only the reading ones) in the solid sheets of paper to let them put together. Maybe next year I'll pull them to decorate the cards and discuss ways to keep up their reading over the summer.

The other thing I put in their summer packet was a list of book recommendations by reading level. Once again, I browsed the internet to keep from remaking the wheel. This isn't the one I sent home, but I like it because it gives even more recommendations. I highlighted their current reading level on the other sheet, but for this one I would probably reformat and just print one sheet for each reading level. If you want something a little more condensed (to keep from printing multiple pages, this one lists book series by level and I like it a lot, too!

I hope those of you who are still in school have a great last few days! Go link up with Holly, then check out Joanne's 300 follower giveaway!


  1. Melissa,
    What is your work day like? I've seen that quite a few teachers have a PD day after the last days students come in.

    I would imagine that some of the teachers would be more restless on that day than when the kids were.

    I like that idea of sending home task cards with students. I'll have to check that out.

    Digital: Divide & Conquer

  2. I love those book lists...thanks! I taught kindergarten in Richmond for 4 years...then in 1st in MD for 4 years...and now I am in Pa. Hoping to stay put for awhile! I am excited to follow your blog...I am sure I am going to get some great reading ideas!
    Two Friends In FIrst

  3. I like the idea of the task cards to help with summer fun. I was lucky to get a book and little activity home with the kids. I did manage to start a new reading initiative with them that I hope will help out!

    So glad you are finally in summer!
    Reading Toward the Stars

  4. Yay!! Summer vacation! I am free tomorrow:) I love the idea of sending home task cards for summer break! Thanks for sharing the book list you found too:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper
