
Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Tell Me Something Good

Jennifer at Rowdy in First Grade is hosting her Tell Me Something Good linky for December, and I love these! It's always nice to talk about the good things that are happening in our lives.

This month, along with talking about one good thing at school and one good thing at home, Jennifer wants us to share something good we've bought as a gift either in the past or present. So here's my list:

Something good at school: I have been able to go into a 3rd grade class to teach Daily 5 and CAFE lessons to model for their long term sub. This is really exciting for me because it almost feels like I'm back to being a classroom teacher. I miss getting to set up things like this, so it's been a nice change of pace. I'll be in there every day for 45 minutes for a little while until we get everything settled. It's been a lot of fun, and I even found some really cute Hippie Daily 5 signs that I want to put up if I can ever get them to print on our crazy school computer. Or remember to print them at home.

Something good at home: There are SO many fun things right now as Keagan continues to grow. He turns 1 on Sunday, and we're getting ready for his birthday party on Saturday. Plus he's starting to stand on his own, give more kisses, and plays patty cake. He's just so adorable, and I can't get enough of him. Oh, and he's a CHATTERBOX! I know he's speaking, I just can't understand him yet.

Gifts purchased: This year has been a lot of fun to shop for with a little one. We bought Keagan a kitchen set, and I can't wait to see his excitement on Christmas morning!
Fisher-Price Servin' Surprises Kitchen & Table
Okay, and maybe I'm a little excited to play with him, too. I think this one's especially cool because all of the kitchen stuff can go inside the table, and then it's just a table to color on. How fun is that?

1 comment:

  1. Duck Dynasty and Big Bang Theory were both of my favorites this year too! I can watch a million of each episode and not get bored. Si is amazing. His one-liners get me every time. I'm also in love with Jase.

    Fourth Grade Lemonade
